Legacy Pledge Form


Legacy Pledge Form

If you have included, or intend to include Dean Close in your Will, we would be grateful if you could complete and return this form. The information you give us is not legally binding and will be treated in strict confidence. It does not commit you or limit your freedom to change your mind. It does, however, allow us to plan for the future, thank you for your support during your lifetime and keep you updated.

Prefix (optional)
First Name
Middle (optional)
Last Name
This is to notify Dean Close Foundation that:requiredPlease select up to 1 choice
Please select up to 1 choice
Leaving your legacy as an unrestricted gift, which will be applied at the Warden’s discretion, allows us to use the legacy for where it is needed most. At present, legacy gifts are directed towards our Enduring Foundation Award that seeks to fund bursaries in perpetuity.
Please review the followingrequired

If there any other information you would like to tell us about your bequest, please contact Head of Alumni and Development, Alex Hume at aahume@deanclose.org.uk or call 01242 258 048.